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Yes, we camp! – FC St. Pauli offer demonstrators 200 sleeping places in main stand

The managing and supervisory boards of FC St. Pauli have taken a clear stance in support of human rights, freedom of speech, and the right to demonstrate by deciding to set up 200 sleeping places for demonstrators in the circulatory area of the Millerntor Stadium's main stand at 1200 CET on Thursday. Access is via the main stand entrance. Places will be allocated in association with the organisers of the camp in Entenwerder.

The decision by the club boards was taken in response to the absurd ban on camps, which led to the in some cases illegal clearance of various camps in Hamburg, and the ongoing lack of sleeping options for people visiting the city to protest against the G20 summit.
Working with the organisers of the Entenwerder camp, club officials have instigated all the relevant steps to be able to accommodate 200 people on Thursday. The sleeping places will remain available until this coming Sunday (9 July). Demonstrators will be able to use the sanitary facilities inside the stadium, of course, and the camp organisers will also set up a mobile kitchen for our guests.

