Supervisory board nominates president Oke Göttlich for new term of office
Wednesday, 22. January 2025, 11:00 Uhr
The supervisory board of FC St. Pauli has nominated Oke Göttlich, 49, for another term of office as club president. A decision on the proposal will be taken by members at the end of the year. Göttlich has been in office since 2014.
The supervisory board of FC St. Pauli has nominated Oke Göttlich as a candidate for the forthcoming election of the presidential board. The members of the club will decide whether the 49-year-old and his team is elected for another term of office.
FCSP is banking on continuity
in the most important areas
Supervisory board chair Kathrin Deumelandt said: "The club has made very positive progress in recent years. We continue to grow and are financially stable and successful on the pitch. FC St. Pauli also takes a clear stance for values such as diversity, sustainability and co-determination. We've developed new guidelines in consultation with fans and members and introduced significant improvements for the staff."
"FC St. Pauli is banking on constructive collaboration that has proven its worth in times of crisis as well as bold ideas and continuity to implement central projects in the area of finance and infrastructure and to push on with our successful work together, in particular in our core business, professional sport," Deumelandt added. "This is the basis for making the club as sustainable and crisis-proof as possible in the future."
Göttlich grateful for the nomination
Oke Göttlich thanked the supervisory board for nominating him. "It would be a huge honour to be able to continue dedicating my experience of the last ten years, my connections in German and international football and my great affinity for FC St. Pauli on behalf of our members. We work hard every day to put our club in a position where it can continue to hold its own in the ruthless business of football, while unambiguously standing up for our values."
Göttlich will now nominate candidates for the presidential board and subsequently propose them to the supervisory board. The candidates will then be presented to the members, who will cast their votes at the general meeting at the end of the year. In accordance with the constitution, it would be Göttlich's fourth and final period of office, which would end in 2029.
Photo: FC St. Pauli