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Sobiech turns on the style before Washington departure

Day three of the US tour saw the Boys in Brown make an early start as they left Baltimore for the capital city of Washington.

While a small delegation including Lasse Sobiech, Philipp Heerwagen, Richard Neudecker and Ewald Lienen paid a visit to the German ambassador, the rest of the party set off on a sightseeing tour. Their original plan of taking in the Capitol, the White House and the Lincoln Memorial on foot had to be changed due to the weather, however, and they were forced to take the bus instead.

The traffic presented the club delegation with more of a problem than the rain on their way to the German embassy, but when they finally arrived they were give a very warm reception. Ambassador Peter Wittig was presented with gifts in the shape of a St. Pauli scarf and a set of wine glasses bearing the slogan "No wine for fascists", which clearly went down very well. The same can be said for the demonstration of football skills by Lasse Sobiech, who entertained the embassy staff with his technical finesse and an array of tricks.

Afterwards, the group met up again near the White House and went from there to lunch before making their way to Ronald Reagan Airport for the flight to Detroit. Here, the programme for the evening consisted of dinner.


Photos: FC St. Pauli

