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Hanna Obersteller elected club vice-president

FC St. Pauli members elected a new vice-president at the club's annual general meeting at the Congress Center Hamburg on Thursday, with financial expert Hanna Obersteller receiving more than 97 per cent of the votes cast.

Of the 645 members eligible to vote, 590 voted for Hanna Obersteller. That corresponds to 97.4 per cent. Sixteen members voted no, 39 abstained.

Born in Eckernförde in 1982, Obersteller has been an FC St. Pauli member for ten years and played handball in the club. She thanked the members for electing her and for the trust placed in her. In her election address, Obersteller said FC St. Pauli was particularly close to her heart due to her longstanding personal ties with the club. " As a finance director, I'm all the more happy to be able to support the club in its unrivalled combination of professional football and social engagement with my experience in the international corporate environment."

Club president Oke Göttlich expressed his delight at the result and thanked Obersteller for placing her expertise at the disposal of the club and taking on responsibility for FC St. Pauli. The financial expert and organisation developer succeeds Carsten Höltkemeyer, who resigned from the presidential board in June for professional reasons.

Photos: FC St. Pauli

