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After the crushing 4-0 home defeat in the derby, we spoke to some very despondent players and officials in the mixed zone.

President Oke Göttlich: "First of all I have to apologise to all the spectators for what happened today. We didn't just lose on the pitch, we lost off it as well. As I said before the game, we can't prevent the use of pyrotechnics, but it was too much. The frustration is huge, to lose the derby is very painful for all of us."

Director of sport Uwe Stöver: "We have to acknowledge the performance of our opponents. HSV deserved to win because they were the better team. It was definitely not our day and it's very annoying that we weren't at our best in such an important game. It's disappointing. We lost our way after going behind."

Sami Allagui: "It's a very bitter pill to swallow. We had a couple of chances but didn't play our best football. For HSV they went in, for us they didn't. We changed things round at half-time and that gave HSV more space, which they made clinical use of."

Alex Meier: "We have to acknowledge that HSV were much better. We didn't have our best day and they played very well. The margin of victory may have been a goal too high, but it was clear. We didn't reach 100 percent and if we don't play to the limit, we can lose to anyone in this league. And if HSV play well, it can become emphatic. I don't think the result was down to the tactics at all. We were simply second-best. I'm sorry for the fans."

Robin Himmelmann: "We conceded too easily, not once but four times. We've played similar to that in recent weeks, but in Paderborn we were more aggressive and kept things tighter. We were a threat when we won the ball there but we weren't today because we didn't get a grip on things. I'll be in a bad mood for the next few days but after that I'll be up for getting three points at Sandhausen again."

Jan-Philipp Kalla: "It's hugely disappointing. As I pointed out during the week, I'd rather have not played in my first derby and instead have taken something from the game. It will take a few days to get over the defeat. We wanted to keep things tight and not concede. HSV may have had a lot more possession early on but no chances. For the first goal we didn't defend with enough conviction from the rebound. It would have a different game if we'd gone in at half-time still at nil-nil. The lead played into HSV's hands. We had our chances but didn't take them."

Daniel Buballa: "We defended well in the first half but the HSV free-kick was a bitter blow. We went in a goal down at half-time and there was still everything to play for, but we soon conceded the second and the game was all but over then. HSV were more clinical and a touch braver than we were – we paid a heavy penalty for that in the end. We didn't want to disappoint the fans here today."


Photo: Witters

